Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Puppy Fever

So, as many of you may have already gathered from this blog, I have some serious puppy fever. Many women at this stage of life may find themselves with baby fever. I, on the other hand get quite enough baby love every week at work. If I ever start craving the love of a little one I cuddle a newborn for a few extra minutes at 4 AM and then I'm good. An hour later when they start screaming I'm pretty much over it...for now anyways, ask me how I feel when I'm 28.

Puppies are a completely different story though. I crave a puppy, need a puppy, dream of puppies. I have never had a dog. My mom never let us get one when I was growing up. In college I lived in a sorority house and as much as we tried to convince our "house mom" we needed a house dog she wasn't having it. Now, Sean and I live in a condo building that does not allow dogs. Although I've totally seen small yappers in ladies purses in the elevator. Just another sketchy part about living in Sunny Isles Beach (along with the russian mob). As soon as our lease is up in February we are going to move somewhere where dogs are permitted. I CAN'T WAIT!

So I've been thinking about my future dog for years now. In this time I've come up with a list of requirements.

My dog must:

*be dorky, dorkier than me (is this possible?)...I don't need a cool dog that is going to laugh at me when I run into the edge of the kitchen counter for the fifth time that day.
A dog that is way cooler than me.
A dorky goldendoodle named Waffle from one of my favorite blogs.

*be super into playing fetch and be awesome at it. Obviously you can't really tell if a dog is going to excel at this when they are a puppy but I have great faith that with the right genes and Sean and I's training ours will be awesome.
Dog enjoying  fetch!

*love to swim. Nothing makes my heart happier than seeing water loving dogs launching themselves into the water over and over again with a big smile on their face.

Two of my favorite dogs after a swim!

*love to snuggle. Sean and I spend much of our life snuggling and so obvi are dog is going to need to join in.
This is my friend Layla, she is a snuggle dog.

*Be large enough that I can't step on it easily. As I noted above I'm a dork and a klutz I don't need any dog squishing accidents.
I found a very cute but very squishable puppy on the beach.

I am so excited for our future baby puppy doggie newborned adorableness. The little pup will be perfect for us and I can't wait to be a momma! I'll keep ya'll updated on our puppy journey...and I won't be mad if our baby looks like this...

or this...
I also can't end this post with out  a little shout out to one of my best friends...Willowdog. Her mom is my soul mate/best friend and Willow will always be my first doggy love. 

Isn't she pretty?

Her mom wrote a whole blog post about how awesome she is here.

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