From time to time, life finds a way to well.. not go our way. For example, my previous land lord is attempting to not return my deposit. I've got the law on my side and I did everything right, but anyone who has ever had to deal with the legal system knows that it is completely impossible for normal people to work with.
This is where my dad comes in. He gets even more worked up than I do about this attempted theft. He also happens to know the options for legal recourse better than I do and has some connections that will help move this along. That is why I've assigned him to be my pitbull.
Everyone has a pitbull in their life. Think about it for a minute.. got a person in mind? Great! Do you have a parent, aunt, uncle or family friend who is particularly good at getting things done? They may even be a bit abrasive, but that is why you love them. They are frequently heard saying things like "You're an idiot. Let me speak with your supervisor" and "That's not good enough. You can do better."
These people are the ones you roll your eyes at constantly at Thanksgiving Dinner, but when the system is beating you down, they are the person you turn to to fight back for you. A powerful force of rage and impatience, that when correctly harnessed, can cut through any bureaucratic bull crap and deliver results.
On this Mother's Day, be sure to tell your mom that she is awesome... but also give a shout out to your pitbull. If it wasn't for them, you would probably still be paying full price for your cable.
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